Vodice, Croatia, 26 - 28 March 2025


Transport to Vodice

By plane

Split Airport
Information: www.split-airport.hr

The distance between Split and Vodice is 85 km.

Zadar-Zemunik Airport
Information: www.zadar-airport.hr

The distance between Zadar and Vodice is 62 km.

By bus

The town of Vodice is connected with all major European towns via Zagreb, Sibenik, Zadar and Split bus terminals.

Information and tickets:
Bus Terminal Vodice, tel: +385 22 443 627
Bus Terminal Zagreb, www.akz.hr, tel: +385 60 313 333
Bus Terminal Split, www.ak-split.hr, tel: +385 21 329 180
Bus Terminal Zadar, tel: +385 23 211 035

Fast and easy bus search comparison and booking:

Low-cost bus lines:

Flights, buses, trains:

By car

Vodice is connected by motorways with the most European cities (Ljubljana, Trieste, Graz, Budapest, Belgrade). The motorways in Croatia are tolled.

The A1 motorway runs very close to Vodice, so can easily be used if you’re reaching the town from either north or south Croatia.

The famous Jadranska magistrala coastal road (road D8) also reaches Zadar if you’re driving up the Croatian coastline e.g. from Split.